The History of Lasik Eye Surgery

History of Lasik

Eye surgery and the tools that are used to make it successful are now commonly known by most people. Not many medical procedures have reached such levels of popularity that they are known by the name of the tool, rather than the procedure itself. This is not the case for the innovative company, IntraLase, Corp. […]

What is Lasik and is it Right For You?

Lasik 2

These days wearing glasses or contact lenses are something that nearly everyone in the world has to deal with. The annoying day to day task of having to take your contact lenses on and off every day or having to throw on your reading glasses when you have to take a quick peek at your […]

FDA Study Confirms Lasik Safety


We all want 20/20 vision without the need for contact lenses or glasses. According to a recent FDA study, this is now a real possibility for a growing number of individuals. The study confirmed what many of us already believed to be true; LASIK surgery is safe, effective, quick, and extremely cost-efficient. According to FDA, […]

Better Vision in the Blink of an Eye

Lasik Surgery

You may have considered getting LASIK surgery when once again, you can’t find your glasses. Or when they break on your way in to work. Have you noticed, it is hard to repair your glasses when you need them on to fix them? So many frustrations. Just to be able to see. Contacts are great […]

Your Vision After Lasik

After Lasik

Laser vision correction is generally painless  for the majority of patients, while some may have minor  discomfort .  After LASIK surgery, improvement of vision starts quickly as most patients will  experience major improvement within forty-eight (48) hours. The majority of my LASIK surgery patients  are able to enjoy 20/40 or better vision overnight.  Immediately after the […]

LASIK Surgery: Safer Than Contacts?

Lasik or Contact

Analysis Shows Higher Long-Term Risk of Infections for Contact Lens Wearers (WebMD Health News) By Salynn Boyles The widely held belief that wearing contact lenses is safer than having laser surgery for vision correction is being challenged. A leading eye doctor says contact lens users are actually more likely to develop complications that lead to vision […]


PRK vs Lasik

If you do any research these days into your refractive surgery options, you will inevitably see the terms “LASEK”, “PRK” and occasionally “advanced surface ablation” (ASA) being batted around. What is PRK, what’s LASEK, what is the difference, and how does ASA relate to these? First, very simply, the above procedures reshape the cornea to […]

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