What are the benefits of CustomVue Wavefront LASIK?
Wavefront Lasik comes with several advantages, here are only a few:
- Measure imperfections in your eye 25 times more precisely than standard methods.
- Produce a detailed map of your eye – as unique as your fingerprint.
- Generate digital information which is transferred directly to the laser used in your procedure to provide a new level of precision and accuracy
What technology does Wavefront LASIK use
Wavefront LASIK uses an aberrometer, a measuring device, that generates a unique map of your eye showing every piece of information of both the “lower-order aberrations” and “higher-order aberrations”.
- The first category makes up roughly 90% of your visual imperfections (like astigmatism, hyperopia, and myopia).
- The other category is responsible for the remaining 10% of vision problems, like poor night vision, halos, and glare.
While standard LASIK will only correct lower-order aberrations, Wavefront LASIK manages to correct both types, giving the best possible results.