What is Eye Miosis? – Causes and Treatment

Eye Miosis

Eye miosis occurs when the pupil in the eye shrinks and doesn’t re-enlarge. Normally, pupil size dilates (enlarges) and shrinks in reaction to light and sometimes, strong emotions. Pupils dilate in dim light to allow more light in and shrink down to a small dot when exposed to bright lights. In the case of abnormal […]

5 Signs You Need to Start Wearing Glasses

Eye Glasses

If you spend a lot of time in front of a computer, you may have noticed problems such as eyestrain, blurred vision, or headaches. These can be signs you need glasses. If one of your parents wears glasses, the chances are higher that you will need them, too, because vision problems are often inherited. If […]

5 Health Tips to Prevent Cataracts

Prevent Cataracts

As the average age in the US rises, preventing cataracts is becoming one of the more urgent conversations eye care providers have with patients. Many people have a cataract, which is a clouding of the lens in one or both eyes. Cataracts usually start to interfere with vision after age 60. Here are five steps […]

Why Does My Eye Hurt When I Blink?

Eye Hurt Blink

We’ve all experienced eyelid pain when blinking. Usually, it lasts a few moments, and we forget all about it. But if it happens often, there could be something going on beyond getting caught in a dust storm or collapsing on a dusty sofa. Check Your Eyes for Conjunctivitis or Stye Stye and conjunctivitis are both […]

What is Allergic Conjunctivitis – Causes and Treatment

Allergic Conjunctivitis

Allergic conjunctivitis is a type of pink eye (conjunctivitis) caused by exposure to allergens. It rarely presents the same dangers as viral or bacterial conjunctivitis Most cases of allergic conjunctivitis are caused by allergens that spread easily in the air: Dust Pet dander Ragweed Pollen Mold Pollution/Smog Sometimes, allergic conjunctivitis results from exposing the eye […]

Why is My Eyebrow Twitching

Eyebrow Twitching

It’s not unusual to experience occasional facial tremors or eyebrow twitching. If these involuntary movements become chronic or constant, there may be a problem to investigate. Diet Can Be Behind Eyebrow Twitching A person’s diet can cause involuntary twitches and tics. (The difference between the two is that a twitch is involuntary while a tic […]

How to Safely Flush Your Eye

Safely Flush Your Eye

Have you noticed a sign by the first aid kit at work or in the break room about how to flush your eye? If you work in an environment where chemicals are used, there may also be an eye flushing station. Regardless of where you work, knowing how to flush your eye is an important […]

How to Get Rid of Yellow Eyes

Get Rid of Yellow Eyes

“Why are my eyes yellow?” is one of the more alarming questions you would ask yourself in front of the bathroom mirror one morning. Yellow eyes, or more accurately, yellowed sclera (the white surface of the eyeball), isn’t unusual, but it does indicate a health issue you need to address. Why Are My Eyes Yellow […]

How Long Is Pink Eye Contagious?

Is Pink Eye Contagious

Pink eye (medical name: conjunctivitis) is a common eye infection that affects the surface of the eye and the area around it. The viral and bacterial forms spread easily, particularly through sharing items at work, school, or home. Almost everyone gets pink eye at least once. Understandably, they want to know how long does pink […]

Hyphema (8 Ball Fracture) Symptoms and Treatment

Hyphema Treatment

If you aren’t familiar with eight ball fracture, perhaps you’ve heard of its medical name, hyphema. If that doesn’t ring a bell, you, no doubt, have seen it, in yourself or someone else — a bright red spot on the white part of the eye. Eight Ball Fracture Is Not a Game! You won’t be […]

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