Scratched Eye Symptoms and Treatment

Itching eyes

If you have a scratched eye, it is most likely in the area of the eye known as your cornea. The cornea works to let light into your eye so that you can get a good range of vision. It is the outward-facing area of the surface of your eye directly in front of the […]

8 Ways to Protect Your Eyes Naturally

Female Eyes

Natural eye care is an essential part of your everyday regimen. You may not realize that taking good care of your vision is important until you suffer from eye problems. Relying on a regularly scheduled eye exam is one way to protect your eyes. However, home remedies for your eyesight may also help you maintain […]

What Causes Eye Stroke?

Woman Eyes

An eye stroke is a common occurrence for people of all ages. You may not realize that your ocular health requires as much attention, and care as other areas of your well-being. But it does! In fact, most people hurt their vision because they do not pay attention to the most common signs, and symptoms […]

What is Amblyopia (Lazy Eye): Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Lazy Eye

Amblyopia in adults and children is common. However, this type of misalignment also known as “lazy eye” can take your vision, and harm your self-esteem. Caused by a breakdown in essential muscle, and nerve tissue associated with the eyes, amblyopia can also result from a loss of connectivity between the brain and eyes. When the […]

How to Treat a Black Eye

Black Eye

If you are looking for the fastest way to get rid of a black eye, you may be scrambling around searching for something to mask the bruise and ease the pain. You are not alone if you want to find a black eye treatment that works quickly and effectively.   What is the Best Bruised […]

Freckles in the Eyes


An eye freckle is a natural mark that can take on a personality of its own. However, there are times when eye freckles could be the sign of something more serious. An iris freckle, moles on the eyeball, and other hyperpigmentation spots on the eye should be checked by a doctor. While freckles are usually […]

How To Get Rid Of Red Eyelids

Get Rid of Red Eyelids

Have you ever experienced a sore eyelid or dry, itchy eyelids that didn’t go away after warm compresses, showering, or carefully washing the area? If so, you aren’t alone. This condition, called blepharitis, is one of the most common reasons besides vision screen or vision problems that send patients to an optometrist or ophthalmologist.   […]

5 Causes of Dilated Pupils: What Is Mydriasis?


Most of the time, our eyes show a normal pupil size. Patients understand that pupil dilation (when pupils become larger) occurs in low light and will shrink in bright light. Pupils will return to their normal size in time and without treatment. But, many patients are understandably concerned when their pupils, or those of a […]

Loss of Peripheral Vision – Causes and Treatment

Loss of Peripheral Vision

Peripheral vision refers to the ability to see objects around you without turning your head, “in the corner of the eye.” Loss of peripheral vision is when this ability goes away. It’s often referred to as tunnel vision. What Causes Loss of Peripheral Vision? The eye is a highly sensitive organ that is susceptible to […]

How and When to Use Warm Eye Compress

Warm Eye Compress

It’s spring and there’s one problem we know our patients will mention to us: dry, itchy eyes from all the pollen here in the Tri-State and Atlanta regions. We suffer from the pollen, too, and we’re eyecare professionals! Before you reach for eyedrops or allergy tabs, try a warm compress for eyes. It could bring […]

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