What You Might be Missing Without Routine Eye Exams

Most of us consider a visit to the eye clinic a chore more than an eye-opening opportunity, (pun intended). It shouldn’t be! Eye clinics are one of our greatest resources for keeping our most important sense at optimal function.

It can be difficult to track the pace at which our eyesight changes and as the human body is incredibly accommodating, many of our changes go unnoticed. This leaves us at a disadvantage when our glasses/contacts prescription is up, or if there is some sudden, drastic change.

There’s so much more than immediate eyesight going on in these tiny organs, and an eye care clinic is the place to check in regularly and check out how exactly they’re functioning.

Here are some conditions that could be developing under your radar that could have a lasting, detrimental effect on your eye health and ability to see things clearly:

  • Deterioration

Eye diseases can happen rapidly, but more often, they creep up on us. Some diseases, like glaucoma or diabetic retinopathy, will go unnoticed until it’s too late. Only a thorough eye exam could reveal the early stages of deterioration. Then preventative measure could be implemented to combat the disease’s progression.

  • Small changes

As eyes make slight alterations in their growth patterns, an eye specialist can better predict what might happen in the future, and better prepare you for how you need to monitor and approach your eye health. As you get older, conditions like cataracts will come into the picture- only, you won’t be able to see them. By catching the development early, you can preserve your eye health and make certain you won’t lose your vision completely.

  • Advantageous eyesight

So you go in once a year- once every two years if you’re lucky- to get that prescription renewed. Every time, you’re surprised at the doctor’s orders to adjust the prescription. That’s because our eyes are constantly evolving! It’s those tiny adjustments that leave us walking out the door only to feel like we’re seeing in HD. Don’t wait a year or two for these changes – visit regularly, and keep your eyesight at its most advantageous year round.

When you are ready to see the best eye clinic in the USA, come into Diamond Vision. We have all recently opened a new clinic in Atlanta, that will meet all of your needs!

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