How to Treat a Black Eye

Black Eye

If you are looking for the fastest way to get rid of a black eye, you may be scrambling around searching for something to mask the bruise and ease the pain. You are not alone if you want to find a black eye treatment that works quickly and effectively.


What is the Best Bruised Eye Treatment?

Swollen black eyes not only hurt, but they can also cause you to cover up the bruises quickly. If you are looking for a bruised eye treatment, you may need to face the fact that black eyes are generally just a minor bruise. Able to heal on their own in three to five days, small broken blood vessels in the eye area also cause skin discoloration along with swelling and puffiness. 

woman's injured eye

A How-To Remedy for Black Eyes: Simple 5-Step Guide

  • Cool the area 

Icing the area where you have bruising can help reduce pain, inflammation, and swelling. Apply a cold compress soon after the injury, and whenever you feel the need to reduce pain to eliminate swelling, discoloration, and damage where swollen black eyes need it most. Apply ice for 15 minutes at a time every hour for the first 24 hours, then as needed 3 -5 times daily. 

  • Heat the area

After your swollen black eyes begin the healing process, you can apply a warm compress to the area three to five times a day to reduce swelling, and stabilize the damage. NOTE: Use gentle pressure and never push against your eye. 

  • Eat for healing 

Specific foods provide nutrients that speed the healing process including Vitamin C (citrus, cherry, red grapes), enzymes (pineapple, papaya), as well as anti-inflammatory teas such as marigold, and turmeric root. 

  • Avoid further damage 

One of the most important parts of bruised eye treatment is avoiding further damage. Do not apply direct pressure to your eye and always keep your head elevated. Never put yourself at risk of further damage with strenuous behavior, or sports before the bruising heals.

  • Elevate your head 

During sleep, use proper bedding to elevate your head. Using a firmer, larger pillow, or even two pillows can help reduce swelling.

Natural Bruised Eye Treatment Options 

Home remedies for swollen black eyes are useful in the treatment for bruising in the delicate where the skin is thinnest. Use these three best home remedies for black eyes. They are still some of the most effective ways to reverse visible damage of swollen, bruising, and other black eye damage. 

  • Arnica. This homeopathic remedy for bruising is also a powerful analgesic able to reduce pain when applied topically. Internally, you can also use this effective black eye treatment to ease aches, and pains from the bruising as a supplement. Topical arnica gels, creams, and lotions are a leading remedy for black eyes. 
  • Witch Hazel. Wondering, what to put on a black eye? Used for centuries in skincare for its astringent qualities, witch hazel is also commonly used as a natural remedy for black eyes. Commonly used for its anti-inflammatory effects, witch hazel also helps to reduce discoloration of bruising and eye swelling. Ideal for treating damage to small capillaries around the eye where black eye treatment is needed most. 
  • Bilberry. A potent antioxidant, bilberry extracts are well-known to support veins and microcirculation. Ideal for the small capillaries of the eye area where the skin is most delicate, bilberry extracts support the healing process for natural black eye treatment. 

You can heal bruising faster by taking good care of the area during the recovery process. Use this 5-step guide to treating swollen black eyes, and remember to rest, eat healthy foods, and use additional natural remedies for black eyes listed above to eliminate swollen black eyes fast. Call to the offices of Diamond Vision today about maintaining your healthy eyes and good vision.


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