Do You Know the Difference Between iLASIK and LASIK?

NYC in Eye

What is iLASIK exactly?  

This is an extremely common question for people who are looking to correct their vision and are trying to decide on an exact treatment to partake in. Many people look into the commonly known LASIK refractive surgery. However, if you are really looking to take your eyesight to the most refined level, the iLASIK procedure might be for you!

The LASIK procedure is a refractive surgery that primarily works to reshape to the cornea with a laser in order to fix a variety of different eye conditions such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. The cornea is the clear, curved outer layer of your eye and is the primary component that refracts light and helps your eye focus on an image. As a result of the fact that the cornea accounts for roughly two-thirds of the total optical power of the eye, it makes complete sense why the LASIK procedure has been so effective!Image of eye laser correction

The main reasons why the iLASIK procedure is perhaps even more effective than the traditional LASIK surgery is because it is completely personalized in every way while combining ALL of the latest top of the line laser eye procedures to give you the best eyesight possible!  

The typical iLASIK procedure consists of:

    • LASIK Intralase procedure – performed to enhance the predictability and safety of the entire experience
    • Custom Vue procedure – performed to enhance your night vision (loss of night vision is a commonly noted side effect of the traditional LASIK surgery)
    • Iris Registration – performed to optimize where the laser treatments are placed on your cornea to help your vision to be corrected to the sharpest possible level


As a result of all of the procedures working together in a synergistic fashion while also being customized for your eyes specifically makes the iLASIK procedure very attractive for many patients who aim to take their eyesight seriously.  If you are wondering if iLASIK is the right procedure for you, please contact us here at Diamond Vision. For in-person information, visit our iLasik Surgery Center in Atlanta.

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If you have more questions about LASIK procedures, get in touch with us.

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