Super Strength through Eye Supplements

Eye Supplements

Looking to tap into your sharpest vision? Not quite ready for Lasik surgery? One way Diamond Vision suggests maintaining and sharpening our eyes is through diet. Many foods naturally contain vitamins and minerals that yield healthy eyes and strong vision. Aiding vision through diet is considered supplementary. It will not substitute all efforts toward eye health, but it can help significantly along the way. Let’s turn those lazy eyes into laser eyes and get on our way to being our own vision laser.


Here are some of the eye’s super powers and fighting strengths, their most helpful nutrients and where to find them in our diet:



Eye health supplements aid in these common eye strengths:

Night vision: Vitamin A and Beta Carotene

Foods: bell peppers, broccoli, cantaloupe, carrots, fish, leafy greens, liver, spinach, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and winter squash


Super Speed Wound healing: Vitamin A and Beta Carotene

Foods: bell peppers, broccoli, cantaloupe, carrots, fish, leafy greens, liver, spinach, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and winter squash


Sharp Central Vision (we need this to read and drive, especially as we age): Vitamin D

Foods: almond milk, caviar, eggs, fortified cereal, pork, Portobello mushrooms, salmon, swordfish, tofu, trout and yogurt


Life in Color: Lutein and Zeaxanthin

Foods: asparagus, beet greens, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, iceberg lettuce, peas, pumpkin, romaine lettuce, squash.


Moist eyes: Omega-3 fatty acids

Foods: flax seeds, fish, leafy greens, nuts, vegetable oils and walnuts.



Supplements for eye health fight against these common eye problems:

Blindness: Vitamin B Complex

Foods: avocado, bananas, cheese, chicken, clams, egg yolks, ham, leafy greens, lentils, milk, nuts, mushroom, mussels, peanuts, pork, salmon, turkey, wheat germ, whole grain cereal, yogurt


Blurry or Double Vision, Bulging Eyes and Eye pain: Vitamin B Complex

Foods: avocado, bananas, cheese, chicken, clams, egg yolks, ham, leafy greens, lentils, milk, nuts, mushroom, mussels, peanuts, pork, salmon, turkey, wheat germ, whole grain cereal, yogurt


Cataracts: Vitamin C and Vitamin E, Lutein and Zeaxanthin

TIP: absorb more Vitamin C with Bioflavonoid-rich foods, like Green Tea!

Foods: almonds, cantaloupe, citrus fruit, kiwifruit, mango, papaya, pineapple, pumpkin, raspberries, red pepper, spinach, strawberries, sunflower seeds, swordfish


Chronic Inflammation Reduction: Vitamin B complex*

*B complex is like a super B, it includes a whole range of vitamins include: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12 folic acid, biotin and choline.

Foods (get ready, this is a long list): avocado, bananas, cheese, chicken, clams, egg yolks, ham, leafy greens, lentils, milk, nuts, mushroom, mussels, peanuts, pork, salmon, turkey, wheat germ, whole grain cereal, yogurt
Those are a lot of nutrients and benefits to remember! One of the best eye supplements is through multivitamins that include many or all of the mentioned nutrients. Some of the most recommended eye multivitamins are Alcon’s ICaps, Bausch + Lomb’s Ocuvite PreserVision, Biosyntrx’s Oculair and EyeScience’s Macular Health Formula. Always consult your eye doctor before getting on any supplements for eyes. For in-person information, visit our Lasik Eye Health Center in Atlanta, GA.

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