Why Does My Eye Twitch?

Closed Eyes

Eyelid twitching, or eyelid spasming, is something of a medical mystery. No one is certain why this condition, medically known as blepharospasm, can go from occasional to chronic. It’s often a symptom of another underlying medical problem. What’s Going On With This Eyelid Twitching? Stress, fatigue, caffeine, and alcohol are common causes of eye twitching. […]

Loss of Peripheral Vision – Causes and Treatment

Loss of Peripheral Vision

Peripheral vision refers to the ability to see objects around you without turning your head, “in the corner of the eye.” Loss of peripheral vision is when this ability goes away. It’s often referred to as tunnel vision. What Causes Loss of Peripheral Vision? The eye is a highly sensitive organ that is susceptible to […]

What is Nystagmus? – Symptoms, Causes Treatment


Nystagmus is a vision problem in which the eyes make uncoordinated and uncontrolled movements. In addition to compromising vision and depth perception, it also causes problems with balance and coordination. Most people with nystagmus seem to be looking quickly from side to side or rapidly looking up and down. They often tilt their heads at […]

Difference Between Opthamologist and Optometrist

Opthamologist vs Optometrist

When it comes to problems with your vision or eye health, knowing what type of doctor to see is important. Sometimes, it can be easy for individuals to mix-up the two distinctly different eye doctors since their names are similar. Optometrists and ophthalmologists both see patients with eye troubles but an ophthalmologists scope of practice […]

What Does LASIK Eye Surgery Feel Like?

Lasik Eye Surgery

Regardless of how tough you are or high of a pain tolerance you have, when you get something in your eye or scratch the surface, the pain is very intense. Due to the number of nerve endings in and around your eye, the sensitivity and pain receptors are important for protecting your eyes and ultimately […]

Do I Have to be Awake During LASIK Eye Surgery?

Eyes Open During Lasik

Let’s face it, most medical procedures can be quite daunting. This is especially true when it comes to LASIK eye surgery. It makes a lot of sense; perhaps the most precious organs in your body besides your brain are being worked on and altered. This truth combined with the limited or skewed information that most […]

Things to Do to Improve Your Vision, Naturally

Tips for Healthy Eyes

While corrective surgery does improve eyesight, there are ways to prolong your eye health and even improve eyesight naturally. Broken down into three categories, these tips will help you to see clearer than ever before. Diet tips for healthy eyes: Providing your eyes with the necessary nutrients is critical to maintaining their health and fighting […]

Common Causes of Blurred Vision and How to Repair It

Blurred Vision

Blurred vision happens commonly with age and for a number of different reasons. We notice it when objects seem hazy and out of focus. Typically, blurred vision is nothing more than a refractive (and correctable) error; it can even be triggered by tiredness,  too much sun or eye strain. But in some cases, hazy vision […]

The Technology Behind Lasik Eye Surgery

Lasik eye surgery has been one of the most groundbreaking and life-enhancing procedures of the 21st Century. Although it has earlier medical beginnings, the procedure has been warmly welcomed and widely adopted all across the globe in the last decade. Lasik has made corrective vision possible with just one procedure, letting so many people see […]

Implantable Contacts are a Permanent Solution

It is often thought that the only options for vision correction are contacts, glasses or laser surgery. Contacts and glasses are a daily ritual and can be expensive over time with supplies and changing of prescriptions. Laser surgery requires patients to fit certain criteria to be eligible and the results are very rarely less than […]

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