How To Get Rid Of Red Eyelids

Get Rid of Red Eyelids

Have you ever experienced a sore eyelid or dry, itchy eyelids that didn’t go away after warm compresses, showering, or carefully washing the area? If so, you aren’t alone. This condition, called blepharitis, is one of the most common reasons besides vision screen or vision problems that send patients to an optometrist or ophthalmologist.   […]

Blurry and Cloudy Vision – Causes and Treatment

Blurry Cloudy Vision

Vision loss comes in a couple of ways, including blurring and cloudy vision, which, medically speaking, are not necessarily the same thing. Why You Have Blurry or Cloudy Vision and How to Treat It? Blurry vision occurs when vision loses its sharpness, making us squint to try to make out shapes and words. Cloudy vision […]

Why Does My Eye Hurt When I Blink?

Eye Hurt Blink

We’ve all experienced eyelid pain when blinking. Usually, it lasts a few moments, and we forget all about it. But if it happens often, there could be something going on beyond getting caught in a dust storm or collapsing on a dusty sofa. Check Your Eyes for Conjunctivitis or Stye Stye and conjunctivitis are both […]

What is Allergic Conjunctivitis – Causes and Treatment

Allergic Conjunctivitis

Allergic conjunctivitis is a type of pink eye (conjunctivitis) caused by exposure to allergens. It rarely presents the same dangers as viral or bacterial conjunctivitis Most cases of allergic conjunctivitis are caused by allergens that spread easily in the air: Dust Pet dander Ragweed Pollen Mold Pollution/Smog Sometimes, allergic conjunctivitis results from exposing the eye […]

How Long Is Pink Eye Contagious?

Is Pink Eye Contagious

Pink eye (medical name: conjunctivitis) is a common eye infection that affects the surface of the eye and the area around it. The viral and bacterial forms spread easily, particularly through sharing items at work, school, or home. Almost everyone gets pink eye at least once. Understandably, they want to know how long does pink […]

How to Deal With Eye Stye – Treatment Options

Eye Stye

I spy with my little eye, a stye. Ugh. A stye is an abscess or a pimple that usually forms on the upper or lower eyelid. It starts out as a pimple next to an eyelash before it turns into an unsightly, painful red bump. Most of the time, you can get stye treatments from […]

Pinkeye During Pregnancy – What to Do?

Pinkeye During Pregnancy

Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, is common in young children and people who are in frequent contact with them — including their mothers pregnant with their siblings! It often crops up wherever young people are in tight quarters like college and military dormitories, schools, and if online reviews are true, certain restaurant chains that cater to […]

Night Blindness: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Night Blindness

Perhaps you have found yourself struggling to see as well as you used to when driving at night or even just around your house early in the dark or dim light hours. Maybe you’ve noticed that your eyes do not adjust quite as they used to when you would go from a brightly lit place […]

Eye Discharge and Drainage – Causes and Treatment

Eye Discharge and Drainage

Any time that our bodies produce what seem to be foreign substances, that are out of the normal, it can be a cause for great concern. You may have experienced a cut or scratch in your life, and while it was healing, it may have produced some discharge that might have been from a small […]

Diabetic Macular Edema Symptoms and Treatment

Diabetic Macular Edema

More than 30 million adults in the United States are living with diabetes, that’s nearly 10% of the population. Individuals with diabetes are unable to produce or use insulin, which is a hormone that allows the body to turn sugars into energy. The most common thought associated with diabetes is high blood sugar, however, diabetes […]

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