How to Treat a Black Eye

Black Eye

If you are looking for the fastest way to get rid of a black eye, you may be scrambling around searching for something to mask the bruise and ease the pain. You are not alone if you want to find a black eye treatment that works quickly and effectively.   What is the Best Bruised […]

Freckles in the Eyes


An eye freckle is a natural mark that can take on a personality of its own. However, there are times when eye freckles could be the sign of something more serious. An iris freckle, moles on the eyeball, and other hyperpigmentation spots on the eye should be checked by a doctor. While freckles are usually […]

How To Get Rid Of Red Eyelids

Get Rid of Red Eyelids

Have you ever experienced a sore eyelid or dry, itchy eyelids that didn’t go away after warm compresses, showering, or carefully washing the area? If so, you aren’t alone. This condition, called blepharitis, is one of the most common reasons besides vision screen or vision problems that send patients to an optometrist or ophthalmologist.   […]

How and When to Use Warm Eye Compress

Warm Eye Compress

It’s spring and there’s one problem we know our patients will mention to us: dry, itchy eyes from all the pollen here in the Tri-State and Atlanta regions. We suffer from the pollen, too, and we’re eyecare professionals! Before you reach for eyedrops or allergy tabs, try a warm compress for eyes. It could bring […]

Itchy Eyes – Causes and Treatment

Itchy Eyes

Everyone gets itchy eyes at some point. Indoor and outdoor allergies, wearing contact lenses, or bacterial or viral infections are going to make your eyes itch. Here’s how you can take care of this before it causes serious damage. Allergies Are the Primary Cause for Itchy Eyes For those with seasonal allergies, itchy eyes is […]

5 Health Tips to Prevent Cataracts

Prevent Cataracts

As the average age in the US rises, preventing cataracts is becoming one of the more urgent conversations eye care providers have with patients. Many people have a cataract, which is a clouding of the lens in one or both eyes. Cataracts usually start to interfere with vision after age 60. Here are five steps […]

Why Does My Eye Hurt When I Blink?

Eye Hurt Blink

We’ve all experienced eyelid pain when blinking. Usually, it lasts a few moments, and we forget all about it. But if it happens often, there could be something going on beyond getting caught in a dust storm or collapsing on a dusty sofa. Check Your Eyes for Conjunctivitis or Stye Stye and conjunctivitis are both […]

How to Safely Flush Your Eye

Safely Flush Your Eye

Have you noticed a sign by the first aid kit at work or in the break room about how to flush your eye? If you work in an environment where chemicals are used, there may also be an eye flushing station. Regardless of where you work, knowing how to flush your eye is an important […]

How to Get Rid of Yellow Eyes

Get Rid of Yellow Eyes

“Why are my eyes yellow?” is one of the more alarming questions you would ask yourself in front of the bathroom mirror one morning. Yellow eyes, or more accurately, yellowed sclera (the white surface of the eyeball), isn’t unusual, but it does indicate a health issue you need to address. Why Are My Eyes Yellow […]

What are Progressive Lenses – Pros and Cons

Progressive Lenses

Progressive lenses are specialized eyeglasses that hold three different prescriptions. They’re usually targeted to the over 40 crowds, who would otherwise wear bifocals plus one other set of prescription eyeglasses for working at a computer. There’s an appeal to this, particularly for those of us who do wear bifocals plus “computer glasses” and have to […]

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