AcuTarget Makes Us See Clearly Now

Recently launched by AcuFocus, AcuTarget HD is able to better diagnose and perform the Kamra inlay and dysfunctional lens replacement (DLR) surgical outcomes. The new device helps physicians determine if their patients are better suited for inlay when they come in requesting Lasik. AcuTarget better performs the following:

  • Assessment of vision quality over ability
  • Tear film quality
  • Depth of focus measurement for both pre and post-op
  • Guidance for inlay position
  • Assessment of inlay placement
  • Post-op understanding and facilitated care

The new instrument is revolutionary in the inlay procedure as it will allow significantly more patients to understand if and why they are candidates. It also allows inlay success to be achieved at much higher levels with the assessment tools.

If you are in your mid-50s and 60s and have been considering Lasik to combat your need for readers or contacts, Inlay is an option which your doctor has already spoken with you about  or which he needs to speak with you about as soon as possible. Inlay is a procedure that places permanent contacts into the patient’s eye to aid in both near and far sight. The AcuTarget allows physicians to better assess the needs of their patient’s eye in order to design and accurately place the best corneal inlay. Many patients choose inlay since it is possible to remove the lenses in the case of a future, additional procedure.

Another common diagnosis often gone unseen is dysfunctional lens syndrome (DLS), which is overcome through dysfunctional lens replacement. Lasik is an easy go-to for most patients, especially the baby boomers. However, many vision deficiencies this generation faces can be corrected directly through the lens and without involving the cornea. DLR replaces the lens, which might have any of the following issues:

  • Light scatter
  • Density
  • Tear film quality with age
  • Depth of focus

In DLR, a procedure is conducted via laser directly on the lens. DLR is often a better choice than Lasik, because the issues from which the patient is suffering are caused by malfunctioning of the lens, not the cornea.

The AcuTarget HD is immensely helpful in allowing physicians to more promptly diagnose DLS as the problem and DLR as the solution procedure. As mentioned, DLR helps assess vision errors before the procedure and closely monitors the outcomes and growth after the procedure. Diamond Vision is now using AcuTarget and encourages all of its baby boomer Lasik-interested patients to come in for a consultation.

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